15 Februarie 2021

Positiewe denke

Een ding wat Satan 'n houvas op kan kry is jou gedagtes, om positief te bly deur siekte en pyn, om trots te staan in 'n nederlaag of om fokus te hou in finansiële of enige krisis kan vir 'n Christen 'n groot uitdaging wees.  

Dis wanneer depressie, stilstuipe of stres ons lewe begin oorneem.  Jy sukkel om beter te word, jy kan nie uit die gat uitkom nie want jou gedagtes maal oor en oor om dieselfde goed. Die hoekom en waarom vrae aan God hou nie op nie.

Die antwoord is in die Bybel en die uitkoms is in God:

  • 1 Tess 5:16 Wees altyd bly....... kan nie moeilik wees nie - Sodra jou gedagtes die negatiewe dink, dink aan iets wat jou bly maak.
  • Spr 24:10 As jou knieë knak in krisistye is jou krag min. - Dis presies waar Satan jou wil hê, op jou knieë, gee hom bloedneus met jou krag wat van die Heilige Gees kom.
  • Spr 17:22 'n Vrolike mens is soos goeie medisyne - Dis wat jou liggaam nodig het, vrolikheid, sit musiek op, nooi vriende oor, wees gesellig en geniet jou lewe, die uitdagings en beproewings sal jou nie onder kry nie.
  • Fil 4:8 Vul jou gedagtes met waarheid, eerbaarheid, skoonheid, suiwerheid, lieflike gedagtes vol lof aan God en leef dit uit sodat God by jou kan wees.
Positiwiteit verander jou lewe, moenie dat Satan jou menswees weg vat en jou depressief of stresvol maak nie, jy is tot alles in staat deur Hom wat jou krag gee Fil 4:13

19 Oktober 2020

Sluipmoord- deur verskeie profesieë

In South Africa an assassination against a high profile person. The Lord say there is a person that is well known in South Africa and in other parts of the world, this person may be assassinated, the people want to assassinate this person, this person is always in the company of other people because he is prominate and high profile person, it is very rear to find this person on his own even at home. But they are looking for this opening where they will attack this high profile person.

Geprofeteer deur Pastor Ian Ndlovu 2017 (Video – Devine Kingdom TV Ministery : An Assassination in South Africa)
This prophecy is almost like an analogy, I spoke about that call for war and I spoke about this thing about land that is literally what is going to trigger the assassination that is going to take place of a political leader in South Africa. I received more than one confirmation of this word and I am going to give you a little word round this assassination: This assassination is not going to be done by the whites, many people is going to want to pin the blame on the whites. The word I had was the wolf, the wolf outside South Africa that are investors outside South Africa that see this leader as a threat to the investments in South Africa. This assassination is not going to be politically motivated, it’s not going to be due to racial tension here in South Africa, but it’s going to be about money. They are not doing it in interest of South Africa but what I had is that the money already exchange hands the date is already been set and there is no turning back from this one. I do not know more than that or who the leader is; somebody close to him will betray him and set up this assassination. This specific political leader will be hailed as a hero even by people outside South Africa but won’t be a hero in fact one of the things God told me way back is that this leader will become a by word in other words that people will not even speak about him in the future.
Geprofeteer deur Francois de Wet 2020 (Video – Changing Paradigma: An Assassination and war)
I’ve got a message from God to you dirty dog, God has gave me a specific word for Cyril Ramaphosa, death, destruction, warning the lion is coming, you murders killer. This has to do with the Boers or the Afrikaners of South Africa. Thus says the Lord Mr. Ramaphose, for as much as you have disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and have not kept the commandment and laws fair to the Afrikaans and the Boers, but yet you have taking their jobs, you’ve pulled them out of their homes and made the statement that you are going to slowly cooked the whites, God is going to cook your goose, you filthy murderers pig, but came back and eaten your bread, you have drank your water in a place where the white man can’t eat and then say they can’t eat no bread with my law, therefore if you do not want to repent Mr. Ramaphosa, you’re going to miserably die,……. Hy brei breedvoerig uit oor hoe die sluipmoord gaan plaasvind.
Geprofeteer deur Nathan Humbyrd 2020 (Video: Danger! Death! Warning to Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa! The lion is coming!)
‘n Leier wat die land van ons verwoes en wat bloed op sy hande het sal oneervol te sterwe kom, niemand sal sy naam in gedagtenis hou nie want hy sal as ‘n skurk bestempel word. Na aanleiding van hierdie gebeure sal daar baie vrees onder mense wees, ‘n gevoel van magteloosheid sal heers. Julle was so gelukkig in die posisies wat julle beklee het, wat het nou daarvan geword? Die wêreld sal verheug wees oor die einde van twee mense (dood van leiers) wat baie teistering veroorsaak het. ‘n Staatspresident sal sterf en dan is die tyd gereed dat ‘n nuwe president oorwinning sal behaal. God gaan vergelding eis van die regering vir die onregte aan die mensdom veroorsaak en dan sal herlewing en bekering na God, hierdie land draai na Hom. Die tyd is gereed, daar sal leiers wees wat op vlug sal slaan, maar hulle sal gevang word en hulle sal hul straf verdien. Die leiers in die land vra nie na God om hulp nie. Maar mense sal nogsteeds hulle nie bekeer van hulle toordery, onsedelikhede of stelery nie. 'n Staatspresident wat sterf - Die geluid van rouklag sal ver gehoor word. Verwoesting sal ons tref, baie sal die land verlaat en ons huise sal in puinhope verander (klink vir my na onlus of oorlog). Die leier sou God se kerk en mense fanaties vervolg het en verwoesting gesaai het. God sal sy planne verwesenlik, maar die uiteinde is dat regeringsamptenare sal ‘n vergadering/s reël maar hulle sal baie verward wees, hulle sal mekaar doodskree, daar sal histerie heers,’n deurmekaar spul en van hulle sal nie eers weet waaroor die vergadering gaan nie (verwarring in die parlement). Daar sal wel ‘n tyd kom wanneer die gereg diewe sal inhaal, hulle sal kry wat hulle verdien vir hulle verdrukking en uitbuiting dit geld nie net vir ministers nie maar ook vir hoë amptenare en leiers. Ons regering se adviseurs is dwaas hulle raad vir die president is dom en verkeerd maar hulle spog oor hulle eie slimheid. ‘n Staatspresident sal sterf. Daarna sal ons land in vrede leef, en sal daar vir ons volk goeie transformasie plaasvind
Geprofeteer deur Salomi Smit 2009

08 Oktober 2020

Profesieë oor Cyril Ramaphosa

 A stern warning to the president of South Africa, if he did not resume the work of redemption the land would vomit him up and he would not win the next elections. GEPROFETEER deur Emmanuel Kure

I speak to these forces, you have declared that it shall not be so, you are a liar. I rebuke you, now I speak healing across the divide, I speak to the one who must arise and be seated in the highest seat in this nation. You who shall declare that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of lords, yes you who listen to this word, for this word shall be brought to your ears, and you shall know who I speak of, and your stand before God will decide and determine the future of this nation, whether you will abide by the word and the Spirit that has even been spoken this night, or if you will reject it, and if you will reject it God says, “I will remove you, I shall replace you with another, for I have removed one, I shall remove another one, and you shall neither go to the left nor to the right and so there shall be a breakthrough that shall come to this nation the likes of which it has never ever seen before”. GEPROFETEER deur Marc Bredenkamp
Our president goes to Europe and lie to the Europeans openly, you think he will not be exposed, the Devil will expose him and the whole world will know his a liar, everything that he does will be exposed. When he was sworn in as president, he had a choice. A prophet came to him, Kennit Meshoe, and gave him a word from heaven, and he ignored that word completely and totally, He had a choice, he could have been the greatest president that this country ever had but he rejected that because he wants to please the people like Saul. Kennit Meshoe said to him don’t please the people but do what God tell you to do. But he went and did the opposite, he is doing what the people wants him to do and because he is doing this he will be exposed in front of the whole world he is a liar, if he chose Gods words and said God I will please You even if I am not famous with the people God would have honor him and even covered his mistakes. He will be exposed; he is trying to cover up his mistakes by going to Europe. GEPROFETEER deur Emmanuel Tabernackel Power
Die leiers wat ‘n volk gevange hou sal die einste volk wees wat spotliedjies sal sing oor hulle, jy gaan voor hierdie volk staan wie se bloed jy laat vergiet en wie jy probeer vernietig en jy gaan kaalgestroop word van alles wat jy het. Die geweld wat jy vir ander beplan gaan teen jouself draai. GEPROFEER deur Salomi Smit

21 September 2020

Eindtyd Mensehandel

Openbaring 18 praat van die hoer van Babilon. Hier word 'n paar dinge genoem van hoe die wêreld gaan word voor Christus se terugkeer.  Nasies sal dronk word van dwelmmisbruik, van seksuele wanpraktyke.  Die leiers en hooggeplaasde mense sal deel wees hiervan met ongehoorde seksuele verhoudings.  En dan kom God hierdie hoer oordeel

Seksuele wanpraktyke gaan handuitruk en die leiers van die aarde wat deel was van hierdie seksuele plesier gaan in verbittering en skok staan.  

Maar tog wil dit voorkom asof die oordeel wat oor hierdie mense gaan kom vir God se kinders vertroosting gaan bring, ons bid sonder ophou dat God vir ons 'n Eden op Aarde moet gee maar helaas lyk dit asof die eindtye net die teenoorgestelde gaan wees.  Maar met God wat ingryp sal hierdie slegte aanhangers van die wêreld huil en rou oor die hoer wat tot 'n val gekom het, die weelde en geld wat vir hulle skatryk gemaak het gaan opdroog en SELFS DIE HANDEL VAN MENSE GAAN OPHOU Openbaring 18:13.  Selfs met mense word gesmous maar God se oordeel gaan hierdie seksuele monsters tot 'n val bring.  Gelowiges wat aan God gewy is, God sal die oordeel wat ons oor hierdie praktyke uitgespreek het volbring. 

Die aanloop na die einde gaan moeilik wees, sondaars en ongelowiges gaan die oorhand kry.  Raad wat Openbaring 18:4 gee is trek weg van hierdie mense en sondes af, sodat jy nie ook die oordeel of straf ontvang wat God oor hulle gaan bring nie,  "Mind your own business" en leef alleen in die teenwoordigheid van God iewers waar jy vrede sal beleef of wees saam met gelowiges wat heilig voor God wil leef.

10 Augustus 2020

Nuwe regering

South African Politics. There will be a shaking. Some people will be removed for God to carry out His agenda. There will be a shift in the presidency. A well known will fall in order to make way for someone else to take over. In South Africa–The ANC should make an uncompromising decisions in order to save the integrity of the party. They stand to lose major metros.

GEPROFETEER deur Samuel Akinbodunse 2018
When I bring about the ‘new’, I first cause the ‘old’ do die. Have I not declared that in this time there will be a shaking of everything that can be shaken so that only that which is holy and pure will remain? I am shaking this nation to its core, dismantling and destroying the high places given to the enemy, and breaking her pride. I am bringing this nation to her knees, where she will cry out to Me, alone, for help. When this government finds itself in the dust, humble and prostrate, looking to Me, and LOCKING ARMS WITH ONE ANOTHER, that’s when I will birth this New Nation.
GEPROFETEER deur Kirsten Rossiter
The Body of Christ has a major role to play. God is going to dismantle the works of the enemy. There will be no political party that can rally against what is happening. It will suddenly arise beyond political decision. South Africans of every colour will join forces, a people movement that’s going to keep the enemy out and push the evil out. Get ready South Africa! The Body of Christ has a major role to play. More people who serve and know the Lord will enter parliament. Healed, deliver and set free!
GEPROFETEER deur Dr Jonathan David
There will be a change of government in this nation, for God will raise a godly man that will institute godliness in the laws of this country, godliness in prisons, and godliness in our hospitals. The Spirit of the Lord will breathe upon the people that have been oppressed, says the Lord.
GEPROFETEER deur Linda Gobodo
• Ons volk hergroepeer met nuwe leiers wat hoop bring, maar helaas die Afrikaner trek nogsteeds aan die kortste end.
• Politieke swaai wat vir ieder en elk in die land verligting gaan bring maar ook weereens nie alle groepe trek voordeel nie, nogsteeds net een groep wat voordeel uit alles wil kry.
• Talle profesieë wat baie duidelik ‘n nuwe regering voorspel.
• Daar word ook genoem dat hierdie nuwe regering Christelike waardes gaan uitleef en gaan nastreef.